every body is different and deserves a unique approach
The first step in my coaching is to investigate what your body is trying to tell you. We do this through the NourishMap Reading, which includes a brief quiz in which you rate symptoms you have experienced in the last 30 days. This scientific evidence-based assessment will help identify your top 3 Health Priorities on a cellular level. During your session, we will do some intuitive work to help you connect more deeply with your body holistically, we’ll review your quiz results, and I’ll share some ways that you can work to address those health priorities, either on your own, with me in a private coaching program, or with a medical specialist if that’s a better fit for your needs.
In a private coaching program, we are working together to set goals for your health, action steps you can take each week to move you closer to those goals, and to make adjustments where necessary to help your new habits become effortless parts of your new routine. Health coaching is highly customized to you and includes education and instruction around food and drink choices, meal preparation and recipes, shopping choices, scheduling challenges, mindset for motivation and persistence when life makes things harder – because that’s what happens sometimes!

The cornerstone of personalized health coaching is to first uncover what's going on in your body on a cellular level. Are your cells nutrient-deficient, overloaded with toxins, fighting chronic infections, triggered by hormone changes or struggling to metabolize energy efficiently? The NourishMap is a science-backed assessment combined with intuitive guidance that will help you uncover the current state of your cellular health - so that you can take the most efficient steps towards improvement and optimized health.
This assessment works great as a stand-alone reading to give you a snap-shot of how your body is functioning right now. It is also the perfect first step in a personalized holistic coaching plan.

When was the last time your doctor took one hour to explain your bloodwork results?
The fact is, your blood can tell you quite a bit about what's going on in your body, if you know how to interpret the results. Get a detailed analysis of your metabolic panel and CBC with Differential (standard labs) based on optimal reference ranges so that you can detect systemic issues before they become big health problems. We can also review your hormone panel to help you understand a bit more about how hormones interact with each other and how they change as we age. This will help you have better conversations with your gynecologist or endocrinologist if you need hormone support beyond diet and lifestyle adjustments.

When you are ready to reclaim your health and love your body again, personalized coaching starts right where you are and guides you step-by-step towards more optimal health.
Personalized 3 and 4-month coaching packages INCLUDE monthly nourishmap health readings and one blood chemistry interpretation to help guide your unique plan towards balanced weight, boosted energy and hormone harmony.
Personalized Detox Programs can be nested into your Coaching Package or purchased separately and include 3 instructional coaching sessions, a pdf guide, menu plan and recipes specifically tailored to your needs, preferences and abilities/time in the kitchen.